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My Top 10 Strength Training Moves for Time Crunched Athletes

This is a list of my TOP 10 FAVORITES that I use REGULARLY when I am in a crunch for time. I use them even when I'm NOT in a crunch for time. I like these because they hit all the major muscle groups and they are pretty simple! (I honestly don't know what happened at the end- shoulder press played twice.)

Do 2-3 sets of 12 reps of each exercise depending on how much time you have! Enjoy

1. Traveling lunges with bicep curl

2. Shoulder Press

3. Step ups on a bench holding heavy weights

4. Tricep pushup knee pull

5. Toe to bar

6. Knee drive holding 5 pound weights

7. Dead lift with barbell

8. Barbell squats

9. Scooter pike pushup

10. Push-up with row

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